Location: Soon to be Gatesville, Texas, United States

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Chad's team has advanced, and they won their last game. They were scheduled to play their first play-off game on the 21st, but it was rescheduled. It was first scheduled for last night, but because of all the rain, it has been switched to tomorrow night. I will write and let you know how it goes.
Breck's team beat Preston's team last night-- Go Cobra's! She is doing well, and loving every minute of volleyball. I can't believe that she is already in 8th grade. How in the world can she be so big already when the last time I remember I was tucking her in bed and sending her to her first day of school. When grades came out last week, she did make me proud by having straight
A's again. She does do a pretty good job of doing her school work, even what I assign to her.

As for me, I'm just busy working on grading papers, is an ode of a teacher. I feel like just a few days ago I was putting in grades for the end of the first six weeks, and here we go again. I know that most teachers feel the same way, as well as feeling the need to make sure we are challenging all of our students without boring the pants off those who understand what we are doing.
Keep Chad and his team-mates in your prayers as they go forward in their football season, we just hope all the kids stay safe and don't get hurt. May God bless all of you that read this!


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