Location: Soon to be Gatesville, Texas, United States

Monday, November 27, 2006


Well, Thanksgiving has already come and gone, isn't that hard to believe? Now it is only three weeks of school until we are out for the Christmas break. It always seems like time flies this time of year.
Our Thanksgiving plans were changed at the last minute because Grandma Saam is not doing well. We spent our first Thanksgiving at home in a long time, but it was nice. Breck and I cooked all day Wednesday, it really was a great time. We cooked some great food, and when it was time for lunch on Thursday we had enough food to feed an army. We had tons of food left over, but we spent our lunch together eating and discussing what we were thankful for this year. We had a lot to add to our lists, but we are most thankful for our family.
Then on Friday we headed out to spend a few days with our friends camping in Bastrop. I didn't take any pictures, which is a shame because of the fond memories we have made over the last three Thanksgivings with our "gang".
Grandma still is not doing well, and I wished that I could have spent more time with her when I was growing up. It makes me more determined that my kids spend time with our family. I don't want them to look back and wish that they had more time to spend with them, but I guess we all do have that feeling. When it comes down to it we can never really spend too much time with our family, although there have been times I would have argued that issue.
Now it is "shoping season", no wait, the "giving" season. And once again I am at a loss. I don't know what to get others, or what I want for myself. I mean, I really can think of things that I want, but I would much rather be able to give my kids the things they want most. So, how does that figure in? Does that make me stupid for wanting to spoil my kids or a good mom because I am willing to sacrifice my desires to make them happier?


Blogger Holly said...

Tomorrow is my shopping day! See you after Christmas!

8:24 PM  

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